

We couldn't do it without you!

Our donors are some of the University's greatest advocates, 推广我们的价值观, 支持我们的使命, and making UHart a force for good in our world.

在这里, we highlight some of our generous donors who support students and the future of the 立博体育官网 through their generous gifts. If you would like to share why you support UHart's students, 请 让我们知道.

The generosity of the UHart community made a difference more than ever in Fiscal Year 2023 

乌木·赖特·坎贝尔 A ‘02, '04


"Financial assistance through scholarships can be transformative for students, providing them with access to education and opportunities they might not have had otherwise. It’s not about the size of the donation, but the impact it can have on students' lives."



"UHart students are dedicated to contributing to society in practical and meaningful ways. Supporting individuals pursuing both essential, everyday professions and those advancing state-of-the-art technology across various fields bring me a sense of fulfillment."

马修·库克' 10


“Consistent giving can make a significant impact on the University and its students. The University doesn’t have unlimited resources, so to lend a hand to support today’s students, that’s where we as alumni can help out.”



“Financial contributions directly affect the quality of education and the opportunities available to students. My personal and professional success started at UHart, and I'm forever grateful for that foundation.”

Gladys Dunn '60 and 罗伯特。 Dunn

Gladys Dunn '60 and 罗伯特。 Dunn

As a world traveler, educator, and global citizen, Gladys Dunn ’60 was ahead of her time. 她和她的丈夫, 罗伯特。, believed that true exploration extended far beyond the sights and sounds of new places; it meant immersing themselves in unfamiliar places and new cultures. Driven by their desire to provide even more students with the same life-changing experiences they found abroad, the Dunns created a legacy which will have a lasting impact on UHart students for generations to come.

Edward Friedman, Professor of Electrical Engineering

Professor Edward Friedman
Edward Friedman's career at the 立博体育官网 spanned nearly four decades but his overall commitment extended well beyond the classroom. He lived the University's mission everyday, and one of his most cherished acts of kindness, 爱德华·L教授. Friedman Endowed Scholarship Fund, has benefited dozens of CETA students and will continue to do so for perpetuity.


"[My parents] did not have the opportunity to go to college and spent much of their time working to support our family. I support the University annually because there are individuals in similar situations that have the motivation to obtain a degree but need additional support. Thanks to the University, I had the opportunity to graduate college without a huge financial burden."

雅各交叉 '04

"I received a scholarship to attend the 立博体育官网, and I wanted to help enable current and future students to pursue their education at Hartford as well. I want to help them experience and learn from the same experiences I had."

Irmgard Klee '82 and Otmar Klee '67

Otmar和Irmgard Klee
“The 立博体育官网 meant a chance for me to finally get that degree that I wanted since finishing high school. For Otmar, without the degree, he would never have risen from punch card sorter to VP in data 处理. It opened up all kinds of horizons for him.


"I believe in "paying it forward" so in appreciation for the donors who made it possible for me to study, I do my small part to make it possible for some one else like me."

Dick Belkin '56 and Sherry Belkin

When Dick Belkin graduated from Hillyer College in 1956, he couldn't have imagined the path his life would take. 高中毕业后, he didn't immediately have the funds to attend college but with the help of scholarship aid, 完成了学位. "I promised myself that if I ever made a buck, I would give them back the money."

If you would like to inquire about more giving opportunities or would like to establish a scholarship, 请 电子邮件我们 或拨打860.768.2400.